24 January 2008

Better Late Than Never!

Well, I admittedly have not been nearly as diligent as had hoped on keeping my blog updated. Heck, let's be honest - I've done a pretty crappy job!! But there's always the chance to redeem yourself! Today I thought I would include some of my favorite pictures from the past couple months - which basically means pictures from Thanksgiving and Christmas since I personally study all day and don't do anything exciting beyond go visit family for holidays!! :o)

We'll start with Thanksgiving:

Eric and Sandy were out of the country on a long-awaited vacation to New Zealand...so Little ol' Zack got to stay with Mom and Dad. He and I spent some good time bonding over Thanksgiving...I kind of got the picture that he may have started to mistake me for Eric - cause man, he was LOVING me!!

My last night in Houston for Thanksgiving I stayed the night at Mom and Dad's house...where Zack was staying. I woke up in the morning to this cute little binky-faced kid wanting to crawl up in bed with me...so we started rough-housing a bit. I started to chase him around the bed and when I would catch him I would shake his butt really hard...and he would just BUST up laughing!! It was so adorable.

Then there was Elise...oh my little paparazzi queen! She could not stop looking adorable in her little glasses.

Oh hell, even I couldn't resist trying them on for a little shine in the spotlight!

Then of course there was Family Awards night! Always an interesting and hilarious affair! I've included a few shots of us presenting our awards. One of the pictures looks like Justin is taking a poop...which, ironically, though not true, would have been right in sync with the general theme of the award!

All in all, the vacation was full of laughs and fun...

And most importantly...Lots of LOVE!